segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014

blackout/light sprawl

the way you acted last week unleashed a haunting that seems to hover me over and over again. my thoughts are filled with the idea that you have stablished some kind of behaviour that comes out of you all of the sudden and I can't fight back: you were so incisive and certain of the way you made up your mind when you called me. althought you had no complaints about me whatsoever, netheir my possible reaction nor the consequences of your act were even a part of your decision making process. we both know that you've made a mistake, but apart from being mistaken, what made you come for me again? can I ever really trust your friends after what happened? can I demand from you exactly the same things you demand from me? and more importantly, can I ever trust you again? and if so, what is it that will make me find strenght in myself to allow me to do so? my head's filled with a thousand questions like those. I wonder how will you ever answer them.

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